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For mid-sized business the cloud is a necessity for driving business agility, speed-to-market and reducing capital expenses. Despite that many IT leaders remain hesitant to migrate to the public cloud due to ongoing concerns about Cloud Security. There are many misunderstood points about security in the cloud. This post will highlight a few from our experience as a Cloud Managed Services provider in New York. I can stop Shadow IT […]
At the recent re:Invent conference Amazon announced the launch of their Inspector tool as part of Amazon Web Services (AWS). This has answered many of the compliance and cloud security concerns that customers had with utilizing the public cloud. Amazon Inspector is designed to scan applications launched within Amazon Web Services. It is primarily focused on identifying anomalies introduced during or post-deployment. The application allows Amazon Web Services to meet […]
How to Choose a Cloud Managed Services Broker More and more IT leaders are in agreement that the cloud is a powerful platform to improve business agility. However it is critical that cloud services are managed properly. Failure to execute effectively on your cloud migration or management can lead to some serious issues for your business. For this reason many IT directors especially in smaller to mid sized companies with […]
Update from Amazon’s CISO on Public Cloud Security At Amazon’s recent re:Invent cloud conference held in Las Vegas, NV; Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) Steve Schmidt spoke about the state of public cloud security for the enterprise in relation to Amazon Web Services. “Enterprise Security is not where it needs to be” stated Schmidt in his opening remarks. Security in the cloud creates challenges not seen in traditional on-premises customer environments. The biggest […]
Most organizations migrate to the cloud with a mission focused on direct reduction in costs. However cost reductions are not guaranteed for every application. But is this necessarily a vote against cloud? Cloud migration has many benefits. Reduced costs, improved agility, scalability and flexbility are top of mind for IT leaders as they considered cloud migration. That said while the cloud benefits many applications, not all apps provide the expected direct cost reduction. To analyze whether it’s cost-efficient […]
Top Benefits in Using a Cloud Services Broker Using a cloud managed services broker is an efficient and cost effective way to leverage the benefits of the cloud, but to also take advantage of the expertise of a trusted partner to use the right cloud resources for the right requirement at the right time. There are four major benefits in using a cloud managed services broker: 1) Broader Technical Expertise: As organizations’ […]
Many HIPAA covered entity continue to maintain their own data center forgoing the cloud to ensure they remain within compliance requirements. For highly regulated industries including healthcare with strict HIPAA requirements there are barriers and challenges to Cloud Migration. How can healthcare providers achieve a balance between meeting the requirements of being a covered entity and taking advantage of the benefits of Private/Public/Hybrid cloud migration? To help healthcare providers learn how to verify […]
How can I improve Public Cloud Security? Also is the Public Cloud secure enough for my business critical application? The answer is yes you can and yes it is. VPN enabled public clouds such as Amazon Web Services and Rackspace are layer one of security for established SMB companies looking to migrate their applications to Public Cloud but beyond that a full-security plan to ease concerns may include. 6 Steps to Improve Public […]
In a recent report from Forrester, Amazon Web Services was named the industry leader in Cloud Security. The report cities Amazon’s capabilities in Data Center Security, Certifications and Network Security along with best-in-class customer support, security partnerships and economy of scale. Additional Key Takeaways Public Cloud Platforms Provide Certifications That Significantly Enhance Workload Security Today’s economic environment is forcing S&R professionals to consider alternatives to on-premises security solutions to secure their cloud […]
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