Netfast Cloud Backup and Disaster Recovery services are designed to provide “total data protection” and business continuity for the mid-market enterprise in New York Metro. As part of Cloud Managed Services Netfast Backup services natively integrate with popular cloud applications such as Microsoft Office 365.
The free eBook “Defending Your Office 365 Data: Five Threats That Microsoft Can’t Defend Against, But You Can“ provides a complete risk guide to current Office 365 customers or those concerned about losing control by moving their Exchange and Office to the cloud away from physical servers.
A brief introduction to the eBook is below. Please download it by using the button below.
Why should I read this?
Office 365 is the fastest-growing platform Microsoft has ever released (surpassing SharePoint and even Microsoft Office growth rates!) with a powerful set of collaboration features for individuals and teams. While there are many benefits to using the Office 365 platform, there are some legitimate risks associated with any software-as-a-service (SaaS) application suite or platform, including Office 365. The fact remains that three-out-of-five companies that suffer a major data loss will shut down within six months. To mitigate the risks associated with using any cloud platform, you should first understand the risks – and the steps you can take to protect your intellectual property. As the saying goes, knowledge is power!
Should I be concerned about moving to the cloud?
Microsoft, as with most other major technology providers, are quite bullish on the cloud – and they are taking every measure possible to reduce the risks and threats to your data so that moving to the cloud is seamless and, ultimately, more cost effective and secure than what you can manage on your own. Having said that, there are definitely customers who have had issues with lost data. How can this be?
The odds of you permanently losing Office 365 data because of Microsoft mistakes is incredibly low – but the odds of losing that data through end user or administrator error are not uncommon. People within your organization will inevitably make mistakes, but Microsoft has taken a number of steps to help minimize those risks and help you secure your data while hosted in Office 365.
Do I need to speak ‘geek’ to use this ebook?
No, don’t worry – the material within should inform you without acronym overload. And to be clear, the purpose of this ebook is not to pick holes in the data security of Office 365, but to point out the fact that the vast majority of data loss scenarios come from improper use or intentional abuse of the tools. Office 365 can provide your business with tremendous value, but these unintentional losses could cost your company. This ebook is designed to provide you with an overview of what could happen, and to help you mitigate those risks and plan ahead.
Rather than bore you with technical jargon, we’ll give you the information required to proactively manage the platform, and point you toward the right supplementary sites and content to satisfy your additional geeky data needs.